Plants and trees are all around us in nature, but not all bear food for humans. However, growing fruit trees in your garden is one of the best ways to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce. Plum trees are some of the most resilient fruit trees and are much less likely to suffer from diseases or get infested by pests than other fruit trees. With that said, things can go wrong in gardening, even in plum trees—follow along to learn more about the three common plum tree pests all gardeners should know.
Leaf-Curl Plum Aphid
Leaf-curl plum aphids are one of the most common plum tree pests, as they’re tiny insects that attack the leaves and cause eventual plant death. Aphids are tiny, under half of an inch in size; these little insects love to feed on plum tree leaves. Aphids are usually associated with the appearance of curled leaves. Many people believe that curled leaves on their plum tree result from another disease or virus, but these insects are generally the culprit.
Plum Sawfly
Plum sawflies are incredibly frustrating pests for many gardeners because they can damage an entire crop of plums. These annoying insects tend to burrow themselves into a fruit without leaving much evidence and then eat it from the inside out. With that said, many plum gardeners won’t even know about a plum sawfly infestation until it’s too late. Infestation may appear like a minor blemish on the exterior skin; however, it may look ruined when you cut into the plum.
Plum Curculio
A plum curculio is a type of beetle that infests plum trees, and they may cause the fruit to fall from the tree prematurely. As the larvae hatch, they burrow themselves inside the fruit and eat it from the inside. You might see small crescent-shaped markings on the outside of the fruit, which usually indicates a curculio infestation. Shortly after, the plums will fall off the tree.
Now that you know the three common plum tree pests all gardeners should know, you can purchase plum trees online without reservation. Even though there are a few pests to be aware of, plum trees are resilient and relatively low-maintenance—buy one today and grow fruit in your backyard garden!