About Pear Trees

Did you know that it’s easier to grow pears than it is to grow apples? It’s true!

Pears are a hardy fruit, as they are more resistant to pests and diseases and thrive in small spaces. You will also want to order at least two different types of pear trees since they require cross-pollination.



Below are helpful links, resource guides, and useful collections for selecting the best pear tree.

Care for Pear Trees

growing guide

When picking a location for your tree, try to find a well-drained area with sandy loam soil. This is the best for pears, but as long as there is good drainage your tree should thrive. Place your tree in full sun for the best growth and production rate. Pears prefer slightly acid soil (pH 5.9-6.5). Spacing for pears should be at least 15 feet apart but no more than 20 feet apart in order to cross-pollinate.

Pear Trees

Plant Me Green has a selection of pear trees for sale, so you can choose the perfect tree (or trees) to enjoy on your property. One thing to consider when you buy pear trees as young saplings is that they can take a few years before they start to bear fruit. Plan accordingly, and don’t be discouraged if your trees don’t produce right away. After you buy pear trees from Plant Me Green, you will want to wait until spring to plant them.