Hey, it doesn't matter what you plant just plant something in celebration of Earth Day.
It can be one of our Rikki's Rockin Red Azaleas that can bloom for up to 9 months or it can be a blueberry plant that will provide you with delicious berries for that Blueberry Cobbler! While you are on the website, check out our Black Diamond Crape Myrtles. They are disease resistant with dark leaves which show off the amazing blooms of white, red, or pink.
I personally have chosen to plant Knockout Roses, the pink ones.
I chose these because "the bright pink 2" bloom will show hints of white with age, up to 38 blooms per branch in clusters of 3 - 5 blooms. At mature height, the roses will be approximately 3 to 4 feet. Flowering begins in early summer & continues until the killing fall frosts. This colorful and disease resistant Knockout Rose is destined to find homes in many garden designs and also compliments any container garden display on the patio or terrace. This amazing landscape rosebush gives over 6 months of bloom and are even self cleaning, no more deadheading." I wish my laundry was self cleaning!
See there's lots of user friendly choices in the plant world, something for everyone. Whatever you choose to plant for Earth Day, just choose something and do it!