Choosing trees for your property isn’t always simple, but planting trees is an excellent way to add beauty, color, and landscaping to your yard. Whether you want vibrant colors or something more subtle, flowering trees provide endless beauty and fragrance for your outdoor living space. While you may already know what you want for your own property, take a look at everything you need to know before buying a flowering tree.
Reasons To Consider Flowering Trees
If you want to add trees to your yard, you must first decide which variety will work best for you and suit your needs. Flowering trees are an aesthetically pleasing addition to any property, but there are various reasons to consider planting one in your garden.
They're Colorful Most of the Time
Generally, flowering trees bloom in the spring or summer months, but many varieties provide various foliage colors throughout each season. With that said, they can be an incredible addition to your landscape despite the weather.
They're Relatively Short
If you’re looking for an ornamental tree to fill a smaller space in your yard, consider a flowering tree. Avoid planting extremely large trees in small areas because they may obstruct other structures or plants on your property. Flowering trees are relatively short compared to other tree varieties, making them a great option for people without a wide open yard.
They Attract Beneficial Pollinators
Because flowering trees are often native to various regions, they make a great option to support beneficial pollinator populations. Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and birds, love nectar-rich, fragrant plants and trees—fortunately, flowering trees attract these beneficial creatures to your property. Not only do you help their populations, but you also get to watch them in action in your garden.
Consider Your USDA Hardiness Zone
When it comes to planting and growing any plants or trees, always consider your USDA hardiness zone to ensure they’ll thrive in your location. With that said, flowering trees are no exception—different cultivars are more successful in certain regions of the country. Before purchasing your new tree, check its comfort zone to see if it’ll survive in your area.
Different Varieties
Interestingly, not every flowering tree is the same. Some options are much more vibrant and colorful than others, as they are known and loved for their stunning blossoms. On the other hand, other varieties, such as dogwoods and magnolias, work best to attract pollinators.
There are a few things to consider before deciding on the perfect flowering tree for your yard: fall foliage colors, leaf shape, and bark appearance. Furthermore, you must know the best location for growing your desired flowering variety.
Size and Space
It’s no secret that different trees will grow into various sizes, but it’s incredibly important to understand that you must choose your trees based on their mature size expectations. With that said, selecting the appropriate tree shape and size for your property is crucial for maintenance costs, adding value to your property, and complementing your yard.
As you’re shopping around for your new flowering trees, ask yourself a few questions:
- What size space does this tree require?
- Do I have enough space to house it?
- Will it pair well with other trees on my property?
- Are there any structures or barriers that may obstruct natural growth?
Remember, it’s best to match the tree to the site rather than the other way around. You should know the size of your desired planting site before you even shop for a tree.
Unique Flower Colors
Beautiful flower colors are easily one of the best perks of growing flowering trees on your property. The stunning colors and fragrances will make your yard whimsical, and different colors harbor unique symbolism and messages. Read on to learn more about the meaning of each color.
- Yellow flowers: represent trust, respect, and friendship.
- Red flowers: symbolize passion and romantic love.
- White flowers: represent purity, innocence, perfection, and honesty.
- Pink flowers: symbolize delicateness, femininity, gentleness, playfulness, and sensitivity.
- Purple flowers: represent elegance, grace, companionship, and refinement.
Now that you know what most of the flowering tree colors mean, you can choose one that suits your preferences. Although all of the colors are beautiful, planting a specific color can symbolize something much deeper.
Planting Flowering Trees
In most cases, you should plant flowering crabapple trees and other varieties during the spring or early fall months. Many cultivars prefer partial sunlight and moist but not oversaturated soil; therefore, consider these factors when choosing the best planting site. Dig into the steps below for planting your new flowering tree:
- Dig the hole twice as wide as the tree’s roots but no deeper than the root ball, as the roots need space to grow and expand.
- Put your tree in the hole, water the root ball, and then replace the topsoil around the root system.
- Use fertilizer to promote root growth and expansion. Add more topsoil on the surface and water lightly.
- Add a few inches of mulch around the tree’s base.
- Consider adding stakes for the first growing season to ensure stability and give the root system a chance to establish itself.
Caring for Flowering Trees
Now that your flowering tree is in the ground, you must know how to care for it properly. Check out a few recommendations to keep your tree happy and healthy for many years.
On average, your flowering tree will need approximately one inch of water each week. However, water needs vary from tree to tree. With that said, you should slightly increase your watering in warmer climates and reduce them during the winter months.
Fertilizer is a great way to promote flower production in your trees; therefore, choose one that contains a small amount of nitrogen and higher amounts of potassium and phosphorous. Using a high nitrogen concentration fertilizer can burn your tree’s roots.
After learning everything you need to know before buying a flowering tree, you’re ready to reap the benefits of a gorgeous, blossoming tree on your property. Whether you plant just one or many, you won’t regret taking the necessary steps to choose, purchase, plant, and maintain your flowering trees. They provide endless beauty and pleasant fragrances to boost your home’s overall landscaping and outdoor living potential.