It’s not uncommon to find crape myrtles on every street in the southern states, and for a good reason. Very few plants or trees can match their stunning summer flowers or incredible fall foliage, and they come in many different colors and varieties. If you want to add these gorgeous trees to your landscaping, you must know the best time of year to plant a crape myrtle.
Choose the Right Variety
Although you might be in a hurry to buy a crape myrtle after seeing one in full bloom, don’t buy impulsively. Instead, check the tag to ensure you’re getting what you want: getting the color you want is important, but you must also consider the size.
Crape myrtle sizes range from dwarf selections that grow to about 3 feet tall to other varieties that grow up to 30 feet tall. Your decision should also depend on your location; for example, you’ll need a cold-hardy cultivar if you experience cold winters.
The Time To Plant
Although you can plant them at almost any time, the ideal time to plant a new crape myrtle is in early spring. You should ensure the last freeze has passed before planting and provide ample time for your new tree to mature before winter.
Summer planting is okay, as long as you’re around to offer supplemental waterings as necessary. On the other hand, fall planting may be too late in the season for the tree to mature before winter.
Where To Plant
Before you buy crape myrtle trees online, you should decide where you’d like to plant them. When grown together in sections, they make excellent hedges or privacy screens. On the other hand, they’re also beautiful as a single accent or focal point at the front of your house. With that in mind, the size you get should dictate where you put it and vice versa.
Pro Tip: Crape Myrtles Love Total Sun Exposure!
Knowing the best time of year to plant a crape myrtle is the first step to putting one (or more!) on your property. They’re the perfect trees to add a touch of beauty and color to your yard, and they’re relatively drought resistant once mature. Visit Plant Me Green online for an extensive selection of crape myrtle varieties.