Having severe pollen allergies is a good reason to stay inside when the pollen count rises, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Allergy season differs depending on where you live, but it can wreak havoc on your body, your social calendar, and your happiness. If you suffer from seasonal allergies but enjoy drinking morning coffee on the porch and spending evenings watching the sunset on the patio, continue reading to learn more about the best trees to plant for allergy sufferers.

Dogwood Trees

Dogwoods are one of the most popular flowering trees in the United States, and you may think they would cause major allergen upsets. However, they produce beautiful pink and white blossoms as a result of insect pollination. In fact, this tree is so gorgeous that two states—Virginia and Missouri—chose it as their state tree. With beautiful flowers in the spring and summer and red fruit with reddish-purple foliage in the fall, you can count on dogwood trees to provide unbeatable scenery for most of the year.

Crabapple Trees

Crabapple trees are fun and beautiful options to plant in your yard. They produce pink, white, or red flowers in the spring, and the branches are adorned with small, red crabapples during the fall. These crabapples resemble regular apples, but they’re tart rather than sweet. Like dogwood trees, crabapple trees require pollinators to grow; therefore, their pollen doesn’t float through the air as easily.


Although crabapple trees are beautiful, the fruit falls to the ground once it matures. If you have dogs, they may try to eat the fallen fruit, which might not be the best for their health.

Crape Myrtle Trees

Most people love crape myrtle trees for their stunning pink and purple blossoms, and the fact that they’re low-maintenance. Typically, crape myrtle flowers bloom in the spring and summer and may continue to appear throughout the fall. However, their foliage usually changes to orange, red, and yellow in autumn. If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic tree with a significant lifespan, you should buy crape myrtle trees online.

Magnolia Trees

Magnolia trees are iconic in the southern states, and for good reason. Their large, waxy blossoms are a sight for sore eyes, and they’re the perfect trees to enhance your property’s beauty. While they may not bloom for several years while maturing, it’s completely worthwhile once they do. Because magnolia trees are so beautiful, it’s hard to believe they won’t make your eyes, nose, or throat itch—but that is exactly the case.

Now that you know the best trees to plant for allergy sufferers, you can enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about a sneezing fit or itchy, watery eyes. Hypoallergenic trees are the ultimate way to enjoy the beauty of nature without putting extra pollen in the air.