When people consider adding a fruit tree to their yard, persimmons aren’t usually the first fruits that come to their minds. Although persimmons aren’t as widely popular as apples or peaches, these little guys can be delicious if plucked at the right time. The trees themselves are also beautiful to behold, especially in the autumn. So what are the best persimmon tree growing conditions so that yours grows healthy and strong? Learn about them below.

Full Sun

Like most fruit trees, you’ll want to make sure that your persimmon tree gets full sun exposure as much as possible. This means carefully deciding where you will place it on your property so that it doesn’t spend all its time in the shade of your house. Try to keep branches trimmed so that there is an even distribution of sun throughout the entire canopy. You don’t want one branch shading the others, which could cause your tree to grow inefficiently.

Hardiness Zones 5 Through 9

Familiarizing yourself with the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones is a good idea no matter what kind of fruit tree you plan to put on your property. Generally, the colder the weather you experience throughout the year, the lower the hardiness zone you’ll be in. If your area gets warmer weather throughout the year, your zone will be higher. Persimmon trees tend to do their best when you plant them in environments somewhere between zones 5 and 9.

Easily Drained Soil

Water is an essential element for any tree, and persimmon trees are no different. Persimmon trees are remarkably drought resistant, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect their water needs. At the same time, you must make sure your soil drains its water quickly. While water is certainly a necessary component, waterlogging your persimmon tree’s roots is a quick way to ruin its growth and never get the fruit you’re seeking.

Pollination Conditions

Depending on the variety of persimmon you buy, you’ll have slightly different pollination conditions to meet. Asian persimmons are self-fertile, meaning they can produce fruit on their own without another tree to cross-pollinate with them. On the other hand, American persimmons need to cross-pollinate. If you have a small garden to work with, an Asian persimmon tree might work better for you. If you have more room for American persimmons, you should keep the trees close together for easier cross-pollination.

Now that you have a better idea about the best growing conditions for persimmon trees, you can buy persimmon trees online with Plant Me Green. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Tagged: Persimmon Trees