- Please rest tree for 24 hours before planting in permanent location
- Persimmons, Peaches, Crape Myrtles and Pecans are usually the last to wake from dormancy
- Water regularly until plant is well-established
- Protect your plant from late season frosts by mulching and covering tree if temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Upon arrival, please perform a scratch test if you are unsure of the viability of your plant (See below for How To Perform a Scratch Test)
- If you must store your tree indoors, use an unheated basement or garage to reduce the risk of transplant shock at planting time
How To Perform a Scratch Test?
With your thumbnail or a knife, gently scape a small part of the outer gray-brown bark from a twig or branch. Directly inside the outer bark on healthy trees/shrubs you’ll find a nice green layer, called the cambium. That’s where the growth of the plant occurs. If you continue scratching away the thin green layer, you’ll see the whitish inner wood. The presence of the green layer indicates life in the twig or branch. Sample wood from around the tree or shrub to determine whether the entire plant is healthy.

When Will My Plant Break Dormancy?
Plants can detect when the nights get shorter and the daylight hours get longer using a molecule called Phytochrome. According to scientists, plants also use the temperature of the soil to detect the change in season. Some experts believe the ideal soil temperature for growing is between 40°F and 70°F. When your location has the two conditions described above, your plant should break dormancy.