Whether you have acres of land or a small plot, you can benefit from adding trees to your property. Although choosing the varieties is one of the first steps, deciding on a permanent spot should also be a top consideration. Plants and trees are investments for the future, so you must be meticulous about properly putting them in the ground. With that, dig into these reasons why planting the right tree in the right place is important.
The Right Trees
Choosing the right trees for your yard is the first step to a healthy landscape. All trees are beautiful in different ways, but not every tree species is suitable for all locations. Consider these elements that should factor into your tree choices.
Various tree species thrive in different climates and hardiness zones. Therefore, you must consider whether your location’s climate suits your desired tree species. Many trees grow best in warmer, tropical climates, while others thrive in cooler, more mild areas. No matter what you decide, make sure you don’t set yourself up for failure before you even order your trees.
Although you may want to plant several trees from the same family in your yard, it’s not always the best decision. Because similar pests and diseases often plague trees in the same family, it’s much more likely for you to experience an entire garden loss. Choosing various trees of different species that can live in harmony with each other is the best option.
However, you should be cautious when choosing your trees. Some plants are harmful to others, while many other plants are the perfect companion trees, meaning they harbor beneficial characteristics that can help nearby plants stay happy, healthy, and strong.
Tree Form
A tree’s form is an important consideration when it comes to choosing a variety for a specific spot. Because trees come in all different shapes and sizes, you should know what to expect before you make a purchase and bring the tree home or have it delivered. Take a look at the different elements that equate to tree form.
- Shape: all trees have a distinct shape as they grow, and anticipating its mature shape is the best way to reduce the potential for disappointment.
- Size: it’s no secret that some trees grow bigger and taller than others, but you must consider the expected size range for mature trees before choosing your tree and a permanent planting site.
- Fruits or flowers: many trees bear fruit or produce flowers, which can be beautiful and aromatic, but they also fall to the ground. Make sure to plant in an area where the dropping foliage won’t be an issue.
- Deciduous or evergreen: deciduous trees lose their foliage each year, creating a mess and less potential for year-round privacy or wind blockage. Evergreen trees keep their foliage, reducing messes and increasing privacy and wind blockage.
Native and Non-Native Plants
All plants are native to a respective location across the globe, but that doesn’t mean they’re native to your location. With that said, you should avoid planting trees and greenery that don’t have the potential to survive in your region. For instance, suppose you plant a palm tree in a northern state; it probably won’t survive the winter because this species can’t withstand freezing temperatures.
Additionally, you must also consider invasive species. Just because a plant will grow in your area, it doesn’t mean it should. Many plants are considered invasive and could cause damage to your other plants.
Front Yard vs. Backyard Planting
After deciding on your tree species, you must also choose a permanent planting site. Although there’s nothing wrong with selecting a spot in your front yard, you should keep in mind a few facts about most properties.
- Backyards generally have better soil quality and volume than front yards.
- Underground and overhead conflicts, like gas lines and power lines, are less common in the backyard.
- Backyards experience less damage from salt, vandalism, and more.
If you live in a suburban area, you should consider planting trees in your backyard for the best possible outcome. Overall, keeping your trees a safe distance from the road is a best practice if you choose to plant in your front yard.
Environmental Considerations
Spacing and conflicts are just a few things to consider before planting a new tree, but there are also some environmental factors to think about when assessing proper growing conditions.
Soil Conditions
Soil is one of the most crucial components of healthy tree life. Your soil may need to be a specific texture, pH level, structure, etc., to be appropriate for your new tree. Each cultivar has unique requirements when it comes to soil quality, and most need grounds that stay damp but drain any excess water.
Sunlight Exposure
Most plants require a specific number of sunlight exposure hours each day, which is incredibly important for their growth and health. Before choosing a spot for your new tree, you should monitor the designated area of your yard to determine how long the spot gets uninterrupted sun exposure. From there, you can go ahead with planting or choose a new potential spot if necessary.
Other Location Considerations
When looking for fig trees for sale online, you may need to consider a few other factors before deciding on a permanent location. Many people make the mistake of thinking a tree will fit in a spot forever just because it does at the time they get it; however, many trees grow ten times their original size, which is a significant factor you must account for. Also, be mindful of a few other considerations.
- Underground lines: you may not know these lines are there, so you must be cautious when digging into the ground. Be sure to call 811 before digging into your yard.
- Overhead lines: you can see these lines, which makes it easier to choose a spot. However, you need to consider the expected height and size of your tree at maturity to determine whether it might hit these lines.
- Structures: it’s never safe to plant trees too close to your home, barn, or other structure. With that said, try choosing a spot at least 20 feet away from any structure.
After learning why planting the right tree in the right place is important, you can make the best choices for your landscaping. Trees are absolutely beautiful, but you should avoid these planting and location mistakes by thinking through your decision with precision.