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choosing the right pecan tree

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Below are helpful links, resource guides, and useful collections for selecting the best pecan tree.

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Pecan Variety Guide

A short description of our pecan varieties makes finding the right tree for you, even easier. Compare nut characteristics, harvest dates, and disease resistance as well as pollination charts in the Pecan Variety Guide.

Care for Pecan Trees

growing guide

The most important factors to consider in choosing a site for planting pecan trees are: soil type, depth, and drainage.
In addition, select a planting site away from buildings and power lines. Always consider the mature size of pecan trees when deciding on a planting site. If planting more than one pecan tree, space at least 40-60 feet apart so they have adequate space to grow.


Bare Root vs. Container

Bare root pecans are dormant plants with exposed roots shipped December through March. These plants are grown in the field and then removed from the soil when dormant. When planted in a new location, bare root plants will adapt more quickly to new soil conditions. 

Pecans are our most popular in bare root. Since we only have a limited amount of bare root pecans, please consider pre-ordering for bare root season as early as possible. Bare-root trees are the most economical type of nursery stock. They are usually the best choice when purchasing large quantities of trees for orchards. The purchase of bare root trees will require an intermediate level of gardening in order to properly store bare root trees until adequate planting time and for transplanting them to your local soil.

Unlike bare root pecans, container pecans do not need to be dormant when transplanted. With proper care and attention, they can be transplanted anytime between October and June.

Our selection of container pecan trees is available year-round. For the first couple of weeks, actively growing trees transplanted from containers must be watered frequently, sometimes daily, until their roots are established in the soil.

If you transplant your pecan tree in late spring, take note: Your tree may not have enough time to establish its root system before hot weather hits. You’ll need to provide extra water before or during an early hot spell.

If you plant your pecan tree in the fall, your tree’s roots will be well-established in the container. This means there should be little or no transplant shock from a combination of jostled roots, missed irrigation, and/or prematurely hot weather.



Did you know that more than 80% of the world’s pecans are grown in the United States? If you are interested in pecan trees, you also might be interested in a few of these fun facts!


Pecan trees are one of our biggest sellers, and it’s not too late to purchase and plant container pecan trees or bare root pecan trees. Before you purchase a tree, you might find it helpful to read on to get some answers to common questions about our pecans.


Pecan trees typically grow quite large; in some cases, they can reach a height between 75-100 feet with a spread of about 50-75 feet. This means that they are not a great option for a person with a small lot but are better suited to someone with a larger property.

Pecan Trees

Pecan trees can be planted as bare-root or container-grown. Bare-root pecan trees should be transplanted during the dormant season; mid December through early spring are preferred. Container-grown trees are less likely to receive transplant shock if planted while dormant, but with adequate attention and irrigation, they can be planted October through June. Excited to start growing your own pecan grove? Buy pecan trees from Plant Me Green and have your trees shipped directly to your door!

Looking to buy pecan trees for your front or backyard? Check out our fabulous selection above of potted pecan trees for sale online.

Not finding the variety you want? Check out our BARE ROOT PECANS.