What to Expect from Our Trees: Winter Edition

What to Expect from Our Trees: Winter Edition

If you buy a tree online between the months of December and March, the tree you receive may not be as pretty as you might have expected. Have no fear! Your tree may look like it isn’t healthy, but don’t worry, it’s just dormant for the winter.
What to Expect from Our Trees: Autumn Edition

What to Expect from Our Trees: Autumn Edition

When Autumn arrives and the days are shorter, deciduous trees, plants, and shrubs decrease chlorophyll pigment production. This will result in the leaves changing colors. The leaves are also no longer producing food to grow and are showing signs of shutting down, which leads to discoloration, leaf curling, and leaf spot. 
7 Important Fruit Tree Planting Tips for Beginners

7 Important Fruit Tree Planting Tips for Beginners

Gardening is an excellent hobby to start at any age. Regardless of if you’re retired or a brand new homeowner, you’ll love having your own fruit trees.
Tagged: Fruit Trees
How Much Water Should You Give Your Fruit Trees?

How Much Water Should You Give Your Fruit Trees?

Watering your fruit trees is essential to their growth. Use this guide to learn about the intricacies of how much water young and old fruit trees need.
Planting Fruit Trees in Winter

Planting Fruit Trees in Winter

It's cold. The days are overcast. Night falls earlier. Sometimes the winter seems like a bleak time. There are, of course, things that make the winter worthwhile: hot chocolate, warm fires, and planting fruit trees. While fruit trees do not look particularly attractive in the winter time, this is actually the best time to plant them as long as the ground is not frozen.
Top 5 Easy-To-Grow Fruit Trees for Beginners

Top 5 Easy-To-Grow Fruit Trees for Beginners

Not every fruit tree is good for a beginner, but there are plenty that can introduce you to owning one. Here are some of the best fruit trees for newcomers.
Premature Fruit Drop

Premature Fruit Drop

As spring time flourishes and you see your new fruit form, you start preparing for what you will do with that first delicious bite. And then out of nowhere (it seems!) you come out one morning to find that beloved first fruit on the ground, before it was ripe. So what has caused this? There are a variety of reasons and we list the top 5 for you to utilize as you troubleshoot to find a solution.
The Do’s & Don’ts of Buying Fruit Trees Online

The Do’s & Don’ts of Buying Fruit Trees Online

From ensuring you’re buying from a reputable nursery to choosing the right variety, consider these do’s and don’ts of buying fruit trees online.
Tagged: Fruit Trees
What To Know About Fruits Trees & Pollination

What To Know About Fruits Trees & Pollination

If you are considering buying fruit trees, it helps to learn a little bit about pollination requirements for the type of tree you wish to purchase. Here are a few helpful facts and tips regarding the pollination of fruit trees.
Tagged: Fruit Trees
Tips For Selecting Fruit Trees

Tips For Selecting Fruit Trees

At Plant Me Green, we sell a wide variety of fruit trees. Our fruit trees not only enhance the look of your yard, they also will eventually provide you with a bounty of fresh fruit. Before you select a fruit tree, consider the following information.